Trump "Encouraged PM Modi To Fulfil Promise To Better Lives Of Kashmiris" | Modi Latest News

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Anshu Bhardwaj
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Trump "Encouraged PM Modi To Fulfil Promise To Better Lives Of Kashmiris" | Modi Latest News

US President Donald Trump, in a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday, "encouraged him to improve ties with Pakistan and fulfill his promise to better the lives of the Kashmiri people," the White House said in a statement after the meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.
"The President encouraged Prime Minister Modi to improve relations with Pakistan and fulfill his promise to better the lives of the Kashmiri people," said the White House readout of the meeting.
"Finally, both leaders expressed concerns about the situation in Afghanistan and shared ideas about how to work together to promote security and prosperity in the country."
The White House said the two leaders also discussed progress on different aspects of their strategic partnership and upcoming opportunities to ensure it remains strong.
"The President reaffirmed the importance of greatly increasing trade between the United States and India, and highlighted the need for resolving barriers to free, fair, and reciprocal trade, which includes improving United States companies' market access in India. The President noted good progress on defense and security cooperation."

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