
Changing tastes: why is Japanese food so popular in India?

Changing tastes: why is Japanese food so popular in India? Can there be two more unlikely bedfellows than Japan and India or, more speci…

These are the best Black Friday deals on Apple iPad, AirPods, MacBook, iPhone, and more

These are the best Black Friday deals on Apple iPad, AirPods, MacBook, iPhone, and more © Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge The best Black Frid…

YouTube New Update : Not Monetize Channel may be Deleted ! बहुत हीं बुरी खबर Youtubers के लिये !

YouTube New Update : Not Monetize Channel may be Deleted ! बहुत हीं बुरी खबर Youtubers के लिये ! Hello friends, if you are a You…

Video Ads in Social Media 2019: Why Creators Are in Demand on Social Properties – and What It Means for YouTube

Video Ads in Social Media 2019: Why Creators Are in Demand on Social Properties – and What It Means for YouTube At Business Insider Intelli…

Google Expands Self-Service, Automation For YouTube Advertisers

Google remains focused on automation and self-service -- from reserving advertising slots on the YouTube platform as much as three weeks in adv…

Ring, lock, or erase your lost or stolen Android device

Your smartphone and tablet most likely contain a good amount of data -- some of which is probably sensitive company data. If the thought of losing …

Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company Ltd

Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company Ltd Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company Ltd (Kotak General Insurance) is a 100% …


INDIA BULLS DHANI PERSONAL LONE APP Get a loan from Rs 1,000 to ₹ 15 lakh at 1 to 3.17% pm. Indiabulls Wealthy Personal…
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