Realme XT smartphone to be launched tomorrow, will have 64MP camera Technology tips IndiaSeptember 12, 2019 Realme XT India's first smartphone with 64MP camera sensor will be launched tomorrow (Realme XT India Launch). The Chinese smartphone maker company has already released the specifications of this smartphone (Realme XT Specifications). However, the company has not yet disclosed its price (Realme XT Price in India). REALME XT PRICE Realme recently launched Realme XT, a 64-megapixel camera smartphone in China. According to roomers, the company can launch its upcoming Realme XT smartphone at a price close to the Redmi Note 8 Pro. Xiaomi launched The Redmi Note 8 Pro smartphone in China at a starting price of 1,399 RMB (about Rs 14,100) in China a few days ago. REALME XT CAMERAS EXPLAINED The smartphone will have a quad-camera setup, with a primary camera sensor of 64MP. This will be Samsung's GW1 image sensor. This sensor will have 38 percent more pixels than the 48-megapixel sensor. The primary sensor of this setup will be 64-megapixels, which will come with f / 1.8 aperture. The other three cameras will have an 8-megapixel sensor that will come with an ultra wide-angle lens and two sensors will be 2-megapixels, which will be macro and portrait camera lenses. Apart from this, it will have a 16-megapixel selfie camera. SPECIFICATIONS & FEATURES This smartphone will be an upgrade version of the current Realme X. However, it will be quite different than Realme X. Talking about the specifications, it will have a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display, with Do Waterdrop Notch. Apart from this, it will have an in-display fingerprint sensor. The company will offer Qualcomm Snapdragon 712 SoC in this smartphone, which will come in 4GB RAM, 6GB RAM and 8GB RAM variants. The company will offer a 4,000mAh battery in this smartphone, which comes with 20W VOOC 3.0 fast charging. Talking about the software, it will include Android 9 Pie based ColorOS 6 Skin. The smartphone will be launched in Silver Wing White and Pearl Blue color options. At present, no information has been given about its price, but the smartphone will be introduced for sale in China next month.
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Realme XT smartphone to be launched tomorrow, will have 64MP camera

Realme XT India's first smartphone with 64MP camera sensor will be launched tomorrow (Realme XT India Launch). The Chinese smartphone maker company has already released the specifications of this smartphone (Realme XT Specifications). However, the company has not yet disclosed its price (Realme XT Price in India).
Realme recently launched Realme XT, a 64-megapixel camera smartphone in China. According to roomers, the company can launch its upcoming Realme XT smartphone at a price close to the Redmi Note 8 Pro. Xiaomi launched The Redmi Note 8 Pro smartphone in China at a starting price of 1,399 RMB (about Rs 14,100) in China a few days ago.
The smartphone will have a quad-camera setup, with a primary camera sensor of 64MP. This will be Samsung's GW1 image sensor. This sensor will have 38 percent more pixels than the 48-megapixel sensor. The primary sensor of this setup will be 64-megapixels, which will come with f / 1.8 aperture. The other three cameras will have an 8-megapixel sensor that will come with an ultra wide-angle lens and two sensors will be 2-megapixels, which will be macro and portrait camera lenses. Apart from this, it will have a 16-megapixel selfie camera.
This smartphone will be an upgrade version of the current Realme X. However, it will be quite different than Realme X. Talking about the specifications, it will have a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display, with Do Waterdrop Notch. Apart from this, it will have an in-display fingerprint sensor. The company will offer Qualcomm Snapdragon 712 SoC in this smartphone, which will come in 4GB RAM, 6GB RAM and 8GB RAM variants.
The company will offer a 4,000mAh battery in this smartphone, which comes with 20W VOOC 3.0 fast charging. Talking about the software, it will include Android 9 Pie based ColorOS 6 Skin. The smartphone will be launched in Silver Wing White and Pearl Blue color options. At present, no information has been given about its price, but the smartphone will be introduced for sale in China next month.

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