Pubg Mobile Lite - Apk + OBB download

Anshu Bhardwaj
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Pubg Mobile Lite
PUBG Mobile lite
Hello, guys welcome back to Vidit Vaswani. So to today, I am here to going to tell you about PUBG mobile Lite. so start it.

About game

PUBG Mobile Lite is one of the best android and IOS battleground games developed and published by Tencent gaming i.e. the Chinese company. Well, I know that this the lite version of official PUBG mobile game but still as lite, the feature are much similar to real version so here are the feature of PUBG lite.

Feature of PUBG Mobile Lite

Well, there are many similar features are present in this game.


In whole there is only map present in 500+ MB but this map looks like the whole state and as you all know that there are total 4 maps currently present in official PUBG mobile game and the size of that game is now more than 3gb for android devices and for IOS it is more than 5gb and as this is lite version company give only 1 map but with full area.


Now many of you will say that this is a lite version so graphics will also below but you all are the wrong guys yes it is true the graphics are not the same to the real game but it is much good for low-end devices.


Now modes are modes it totally depends on the company that what they will add but correctly there is totally more than 3 modes present game but it not confirmed that for how much time they will be there because Tencent always try to add new modes and for there server safety they remove their old modes from the game.


There is not a single change in the control of the game because many real PUBG mobile also tries this game in their devices so for there conversely, they did not change the control.


Gameplay is quite boring but not so much I know that some people will not like the gameplay because of only a few modes and only one map but note that guys Tencent is trying there best to make PUBG mobile lite more interesting and enjoyable and may take some more days for them as because they also have more game also and people also play their other games also and they have to regularly update them also so that it cannot be removed from play store.

Is there is any lag in-game?

Yes, as a  very new game there are so many lags and bugs in-game but don’t take any type of tensin the company fixes all the lags and bugs and many of the lags and bugs are already fixed also.

The requirement to play PUBG Lite

Well, we all know that this is lite version but as lite version also having so much of feature and mode here are the most recommend device requirement by me

Android version
More than android 5.0+ { Lolipop } for smooth gameplay
Must be 1GB and above for better performance 
Must be 600 and above 
Net Speed
Must be between 500kb to 10mb
Free Storage
Must be 100 and above

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