Indian Bus Simulator

Indian bus simulator
Anshu Bhardwaj
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Indian Bus Simulator

About game

The long-awaited Indian Bus Simulator is another rich and detailed offering from the stable of Highbrow Interactive. After dominating the world of mobile train simulation for years, Highbrow has set its eyes of the genre of bus driving games - bringing to the table all the little quirks that helped amass millions of fans for Indian Train Simulator.

Indian Bus Simulator, or IBS, is an open world, a driver-based game that is releasing with a route connecting the South Indian cities of Chennai and Bangalore. The game features buses from State-run transport organizations of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, plus a fleet of buses from Private Operators built in their likeness. The design of the bus is inspired by the authentic vehicles which are currently in the market.

The buses, both state and private, are designed keeping endless customization in mind. Soon, you will be able to change the seat upholstery, wheels, decals. At the time of purchase, a user has the option to choose between various engine variants and transmission types. The buses also come in mini, single and multi-axle form factors. The seats are also seats, semi-sleeper and sleeper variants which can be opted by the user during purchase.

In IBS, you play the driver - who begins the career without any money. You get to make money by playing a driver-for-hire doing odd jobs. The more money you make, and save, the quicker you will be able to start your own dream transport company. IBS allows you to rent out buses from your own fleet. That is how you build your own fleet and a transport empire.

While his business growth matters, so do his physical well-being. Make sure the driver is fed, rested and comfortable.

Buses in IBS can be customized to add more features for passengers. The ratings of a bus depend on how feature-packed your buses are. Features such as Air-conditioning, Blanket, Pillow, Charging Point, Movie, Personal TV, Snacks, Beverage, GPS Location Tracking, etc. can be added to your buses at any point.

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